Friday, October 2, 2015


This is my favorite angel. If I could only take one angel with me, she would be the one. For me, she is the soul of it all. I love her. After I painted her I realized that she was my dear friend, Liat. I didn't paint any of my angels with someone in particular in mind. I let them discover me. It was when she was all complete and looking into my eyes that I realized that she was Liat!

Liat never left my side. Her message to me was consistent, constant and clear. I had lost all sense of value and worth in my own eyes. If I could not be of any use in this world, than I was useless. The logic was simple. The suffering was immense. The pain-torture was beyond comprehensible. I had become a pain-entity.

Liati was the voice of deep and committed friendship. She was the voice of truth and essence. If I knew for certain that every living being had an intrinsic value than how could I exclude myself from this truth? With liati close by I couldn't. Daily she pulled me back into my inherent value, daily she visited me in the pits of despair, terror, grief...Daily she showed me what true friendship is, what profound love and commitment is made of.

Liati's voice calmed me down. She was soft and focused and she wasn't afraid of being with me in the pits of despair and agony. She believed in me and she believed in our love for each other.

I think that I want my next body of work to focus on friendship. I am not finding the words to explain how much Liat helped me. Maybe my artwork will speak for me.