Friday, April 22, 2011

Vaginas Speak Up!!!

art therapy workshop, 2011

So, this time I will title what I am writing after I write it cuz who knows what might splat itself onto the computer. Well, I wanted to write a bit about the support group that I "facilitate" and take part in. There are a few of us who come together to talk about our beautiful vaginas. My vagina hurts! My vagina burns! My vagina stings! My vagina, vagina, vagina!!! Most of the women suffer from Vulvodynia. They have enough in common with me for me to feel at home with them. (In fact I believe that many women who are suffering from Pudendal Neuralgia are being diagnosed with Vulvodynia. Why? Ignorance.)  Pelvic Pain conditions including Interstitial Cystitis and Endomitriosis and whatever other monsters there are out there are welcome. The sharing and the support are a blessing. I need to be able to talk about my depression and pain and loss and it helps to hear other women share and mirror similar feelings.

Next week I will be facilitating a small "Art and healing" workshop. I am sure that I will want to share some of the drawings/paintings and insights here. It will be a five week workshop. We will meet once a week for 2 to 3 hours. I am looking forward to getting the mess out with colors and drawings. And I am excited about seeing other women's messes too. I believe deeply and passionately in the healing potential inherent in self-expression and in the arts. I have a lot of ideas brewing in my mind. While my pelvis burns my brain churns. And I am excited to put all these thoughts into reality. Truthfully, it gives me a reason to live. I have a mission! All hurting vaginas speak up: We Need A Revolution!!!!

How is it that doctors don't know about these conditions??? Speak Up Girls!! It is up to us to get the word out. It is up to us to inform. We did it for breast cancer. The next revolution has got to be about 'down there.' Did you say down there? Did she say down where I think she said? Yes girls you have heard me correctly! Down there!!!!! No shame, say it loud: My VAGINA IS ON FIRE!!! MY VAGINA IS AFLAME!!! MY VAGINA IS IN PAIN!!! MY VAGINA IS finally beginning to be just another part of the human body that needs to be addressed and spoken about. SO, some of the thoughts that I have are related to creating some kind of show/theatre/art where women will present their works of art. Where women will let their vagina's take the paint-brush or the stage or whatever...

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