Friday, May 11, 2012

Shabbat is on its way and I wanted to go to Kabbalat Shabbat but here I am, still connected to the computer. My hemorrhoids are back. Thank you Botox for nearly killing me and for leaving me the gift of my life.

The Art Therapy Workshop went very well. We were rushed for time and I had to keep track of our time to the minutes and I succeeded in doing so. I felt a bit controlling but it was important to stay on track and to have time to create and re-create, to journal and then to share. All the while Mary Frances was filming us. Hopefully we will have a continuation of this workshop within no more then a month. I feel very connected to my piece of art-work and want to continue exploring it. I might just do my journaling right here, straight into my blog.

I have taken pictures of my art-work from many different angles and distances and I have focused on different parts of it. I feel that it expresses a tremendous amount for me and I do look forward to venturing into it through writing. Maybe I will post a picture here and then write about each particular picture. I like that idea. It is a good way to share with others my work.

In the meantime I am doing okay. My mind is spinning with a lot of ideas. And there is so much work to do. Sometimes it feels so large that it is untouchable, impenetrable and immovable but because I know that I have made progress and have been able to re-create life for myself I know that just because things feel immovable absolutely does not mean that this is so. So, I continue to work and to live and one day in this life-time I will see the changes.

Pudendal Neuralgia, Vulvodynia, Vestibulitis and Interstitial Cystitis WILL BE WELL-KNOWN conditions. Every doctor and gynecologist will have heard of them. This is in my head and it will become a reality.

Over my dead body will we be denied. Harvard Medical School you will oblige. If you don't then FIRE will come. I swear. The suffering WILL END. And WOMEN WILL SPEAK UP and DEMAND to get the HEALTH-CARE THAT WE NEED.

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