June 29th
The suffering of the animals causes me great suffering, great pain, great sorrow. The numb disconnectedness that the majority of us chose TERRIFIES me. I am scared of what we have become. Scared of how lost we are. Of how far we have ventured away from our own souls. My only desire is to bring unity and compassion so that we can be whole again. So that we can be who we are meant to be. So that we can live in peace with ourselves. We, we, we, we have lost our way. We have fallen so far from our ourselves.

July 8th
Being vegan is not a choice. It is an obligation and a responsibility. Holding ourselves accountable to the suffering that we are creating is the first step in our spiritual emancipation. As long as we continue to torment animals we will never become whole, we will never heal, we will never know peace.
July 20th post from facebook
The pigs in the factory farms literally go insane from being confined for months on end without being able to turn around. They bite obsessively into the iron bars until their teeth break off. They bang their heads into the bars to no avail, desperate and in perpetual and relentless agony. Can you imagine what it is like to be confined in a space the size of your own body for months? I pray every day that people connect to their compassion and leave the flesh of these sensitive and deeply humble animals off of their plates. Every new vegan is a blessing of peace and hope to this world.
July 20th post from facebook
All of the animals in the factory 'farms' suffer from chronic pain, profound depression and deep despondency. I know how deeply they suffer because I have suffered that deeply myself. I know because I know what it feels like to be chained to pain. I know what it feels like to be caged in my own body. I know because I know what it means to live in a body that is my own torture chamber. I know because I know what it feels like to be denied compassion, to be denied help, to be denied care. I know because I know what it feels like to be abandoned by people that claimed to love me, that claimed to be my friends. I know because I know what it feels like to be invisible, utterly and completely invisible when my screams were loud and clear. I know because I know what it feels like to beg for help, to plead to be seen, to be recognized, to be saved....and to have the very people that were supposedly there to help me turn and look the other way....I know because I know what it feels like to suffer so profoundly and relentlessly and to wish and pray that I just be granted death. We all know. And we can choose to do to them what so many have done to us or we can choose to be for them what we had wished others would have been for us.
July 20th post from facebook
This post is for my friends with Pudendal Neurlagia and other chronic genital and nerve pain conditions. I have a question that I was thinking about last night and I would love it if you would share your thoughts with me. We have all suffered so much and some of us continue to suffer relentlessly oftentimes in isolation. Many of us have felt abandoned by loved ones, denied the care that we needed and blamed for our own suffering. We all know suffering. We all have lived in realms of hell that most people could never imagine. This is my question to all of you. If you knew that the animals in the factory 'farms' were 'living' in the same realms of hell as you have or are still living in would you fight to release them from that hell? If you knew that for that animal to reach your table they had to live through months and sometimes years of torture, grief, isolation, chronic pain and utter despair and despondency would you keep them off your plate?
July 6th, 2016 post from facebook
At the farm sanctuary I cried with the cow and i promised her that I would fight with all of my heart and soul. She is suffering from ptsd from having had her horns severed from her. She doesn't trust humans, she cowers when humans go near her head. I looked into her eyes, into the depth of her soul and I promised her that I would do everything I could to help the the cows. The animals have strengthened me. Being near them, feeling their sanctity, their kindness, their humility has strengthened me. I can speak in front of hundreds of people now. I am no longer afraid at all. The animals must be protected and I am proud to be chosen to be a voice for them. Their purity humbles and inspires me.

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