Monday, November 11, 2013

I am being massacred
My female is being massacred
My female is being tormented and tortured

Why am I not being allowed to live as a female, to have children like a female, to love like a female, to be a woman

Female fragments
left of me, fragments
after the battle
what remains
fragmented female

frag mented
frag mented
frag mended female
fem ale

fem in in ity
fem in in fragments

fem in in frag ments

frag me nts

I am fragmented


being killed

alive, endlessly

each time I get up

I decided to get off of Cymbalta. I want to find a pain med. that I will be able to sleep on. I hate the way my brain feels on Cymbalta. This means going back into the land of the devil, back into nerve pain that makes me sob and makes me want to be dead. I am tired of this pathetic disabled life that I am left with. Tired of fighting my way through each day. I don't understand why I am being massacred, why I am being torn apart through my vagina. I want to be a woman.

Frag mented Female


  1. Hello? are you still blogging? I have pudendal nerve entrapment caused by vaginal mesh complications.. I would love to get in touch with you. I am an artist as well.
    take care, susan

    1. Hi Susan,
      My e-mail is
      Let's connect:)
