Sunday, March 11, 2012

Hello Blog

Dear Diary,

For years and years I had a Diary. All my notebooks are in Israel. Dear Diary I went to the New TV studio and sat in front of the camera and sang and cried and did a bit of what could possibly be called "acting" or more like "writhing" wrapped in a huge black sheet. I could not scream because I had no desire to scare anyone. I really felt no desire to re-enact my pain scenes. I found myself singing and then telling my story about how what kept me alive was the desire to not leave Ima and Abba alone with so much pain, without me. And the tears spilled so naturally. Wonderful waterfalls. The onion that I had brought and chopped up and smothered my fingers with and dabbed my eyeballs in was completely extraneous. My tears came as naturally as spring rains. The story that I told was unplanned and unprepared. The songs that I sang came from the heart. And when I was finished I felt that I had taken another great step towards healing, accepting and towards completing my blessed video on Pudendal Neuralgia and me. Next, I want to film Abba and me walking together and sitting by the pond and Ima and me delighting in the blossoming flowers.
I believe that my video will be powerful and that it will leave an impression. Something to celebrate.


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