Monday, January 30, 2012


I, woke up to a strange dream.
In the dream I saw that I would not be silent.
In the dream I saw that the journey would be hard.
I saw death and and pointless loss.
I saw the path of man.
I saw the path of woman
I saw women painted, their bodies painted all over, beautiful art, the color green in its lighter shades
I saw women painting each other and waiting to be painted
I saw women that had stopped, that stood, that defied subjugation and enslavement and senselessness with their paints and their colors and with their own artistic bodies and hands...
And there they celebrated what was and will always be their's to claim
Their art, their community, their wisdom...
They defied the world that man had created by stopping by painting by recognizing beauty and melody and the rhythm of art and of life
They had no desire to conquer or to control
Their desire was to be free of the senseless yoke of their suffering

They congregated and painted their bodies
They separated themselves from man
And sought to explore their own wisdom and their own female genius that was their bodies, their mind and their spirit.

Raquel was there with me, trying to find her way through. She had hopes that I could guide her. making flowers, red roses out of fabric, ... it was already happening, we had only to find the cave,

there was still so much work to be done.... painting...light green, ...body art....

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